Comparing New Holland TL90A vs Yanmar FX305

This page provides a detailed comparison of the specifications for the New Holland TL90A and the Yanmar FX305.

New Holland TL90A Yanmar FX305
Engine Manufacturer CNH, NEF Yanmar
Engine Cooling Type Liquid-cooled Liquid-cooled
Engine Fuel Type Diesel Diesel
Engine Induction Type Turbocharged -
Engine Cylinders 4 4
Engine Displacement Value 273 ci (4.5 L) 100 ci (1.6 L)
Engine Rated Rpm 2500 -
Engine Power Output Value 91 hp (67.9 kW) 30 hp (22.4 kW)
Transmission Type Synchro Command Partial Power Shift
Transmission Forward Gears 24 12
Transmission Reverse Gears 12 6
Length Value 171.7 -
Width Value 79.2 -
Operating Weight Value 8488 lb (3850 kg) -
Chassis - 4x2 2WD
Drive Type 4x2 2WD 2WD
Front Tire Type - -
Rear Tire Type - -
Hitch Type Three-Point Hitch -
Hitch Category II Category 3
Hitch Position Rear Rear
Hitch Capacity Value 5743 lb (2605 kg) -
Hydraulic System Type Open center -
Starter Type Electric 12 Volt