Comparing Renault Atles 926 vs Steyr 1100

This page provides a detailed comparison of the specifications for the Renault Atles 926 and the Steyr 1100.

Renault Atles 926 Steyr 1100
Engine Manufacturer Deutz Steyr
Engine Model BF6L1013FC WD 610.40
Engine Fuel Type - Diesel
Engine Induction Type Intercooled Turbocharged -
Engine Cylinders 6 6
Engine Displacement Value 436 ci (7.2 L) 365 ci (6.0 L)
Engine Rated Rpm 1800 2100
Engine Power Output Value 240 hp (179.0 kW) 100 hp (74.6 kW)
Transmission Type - Synchro
Transmission Forward Gears 18 12
Transmission Reverse Gears 8 6
Length Value 198.4 170.1
Operating Weight Value 21300 lb (9662 kg) 9437 lb (4281 kg)
Chassis 4x4 MFWD 4WD 4x2 2WD
Drive Type 4WD 2WD
Hitch Category - Category 3