Comparing Landini Legend 180 vs Renault 180-94 TZ

This page provides a detailed comparison of the specifications for the Landini Legend 180 and the Renault 180-94 TZ.

Landini Legend 180 Renault 180-94 TZ
Engine Manufacturer Perkins MWM
Engine Model 1006-60TA TD226-B6
Engine Fuel Type - Diesel
Engine Induction Type Intercooled turbo Turbocharged
Engine Cylinders 6 6
Engine Displacement Value 366 ci (6.0 L) 380 ci (6.2 L)
Engine Rated Rpm 2200 2350
Engine Power Output Value 176 hp (131.2 kW) 170 hp (126.8 kW)
Transmission Forward Gears 102 27
Transmission Reverse Gears 36 27
Length Value 214.2 203.5
Operating Weight Value 13781 lb (6251 kg) 14045 lb (6371 kg)
Chassis 4x4 MFWD 4WD 4x4 MFWD 4WD
Drive Type 4WD 4WD
Hitch Category Category 3 III