Comparing John Deere 9470R vs Schluter SF503B

This page provides a detailed comparison of the specifications for the John Deere 9470R and the Schluter SF503B.

John Deere 9470R Schluter SF503B
Engine Manufacturer John Deere -
Engine Model Six-cylinder vertical with two turbochargers, air to air aftercooler, D.E.F exhaust treatment -
Engine Cooling Type Liquid-cooled -
Engine Fuel Type Diesel -
Engine Cylinders 6 -
Engine Displacement Value 826 ci (13.5 L) -
Engine Rated Rpm 2100 -
Engine Power Output Value 470 hp (350.5 kW) -
Transmission Type Selective gear fixed ratio with full range operator-controlled powershift -
Transmission Forward Gears 18 -
Transmission Reverse Gears 6 -
Length Value 314.3 -
Width Value 176 -
Operating Weight Value 45615 lb (20691 kg) -
Hitch Category Category 4N/4 III
Hydraulic System Type Closed-center pressure/flow compensated -
Starter Type Electric -