Comparing John Deere 8430T vs Schluter SF503B

This page provides a detailed comparison of the specifications for the John Deere 8430T and the Schluter SF503B.

John Deere 8430T Schluter SF503B
Engine Cooling Type Liquid -
Engine Fuel Type No. 2 Diesel -
Engine Induction Type turbocharged, air-to-air aftercooled -
Engine Cylinders 6 -
Engine Displacement Value 548 ci (9.0 L) -
Engine Rated Rpm 2100 -
Engine Power Output Value 298 hp (222.4 kW) -
Transmission Type Powershift -
Transmission Forward Gears 16 -
Transmission Reverse Gears 4 -
Chassis Tracklayer -
Drive Type Rubber tracked -
Hitch Category Category 3 III
Hitch Capacity Value 16830 lb (7634 kg) -
Starter Type Electric -