Comparing John Deere 8360RT vs LS XJ25

This page provides a detailed comparison of the specifications for the John Deere 8360RT and the LS XJ25.

John Deere 8360RT LS XJ25
Engine Manufacturer John Deere Mitsubishi
Engine Model PowerTech PSX S3L2
Engine Cooling Type Liquid-cooled Liquid-cooled
Engine Fuel Type Diesel Diesel
Engine Induction Type Dual Turbocharged Indirect injection
Engine Cylinders 6 3
Engine Displacement Value 548 ci (9.0 L) 80 ci (1.3 L)
Engine Rated Rpm 1800 2500
Engine Power Output Value 340 hp (253.4 kW) 24 hp (18.2 kW)
Transmission Type Infinitely Variable Transmission (IVT) with four mechanical ranges and automatic shifting between ranges -
Transmission Forward Gears Infinite -
Transmission Reverse Gears Infinite -
Length Value 270.9 103.1
Width Value None 44.9
Operating Weight Value 35605 lb (16150 kg) 1830 lb (830 kg)
Chassis Track 4x4 MFWD 4WD
Drive Type - MFWD
Hitch Type Three-Point Hitch (4N/3) -
Hitch Category - I
Hitch Position Rear -
Hydraulic System Type Closed Center Pressure-Flow Compensated -
Operator Station Type Cab -
Starter Type Electric Electric