Comparing John Deere 7R 250 vs Mahindra 6065

This page provides a detailed comparison of the specifications for the John Deere 7R 250 and the Mahindra 6065.

John Deere 7R 250 Mahindra 6065
Engine Manufacturer John Deere Mahindra
Engine Cooling Type Liquid-cooled Liquid-cooled
Engine Fuel Type Diesel Diesel
Engine Induction Type Turbocharged with two turbochargers and air to air aftercooler, and Diesel Exhaust Fluid (DEF) exhaust treatment Turbocharged
Engine Cylinders 6 3
Engine Displacement Value 414 ci (6.8 L) 162 ci (2.6 L)
Engine Power Output Value 242 hp (180.4 kW) 62 hp (46.2 kW)
Transmission Type Selective gear fixed ratio with full range operator-controlled power shift Power shuttle
Transmission Forward Gears 23 15
Transmission Reverse Gears 11 15
Length Value 218 -
Width Value - 73.2
Operating Weight Value 23400 lb (10614 kg) 6096 lb (2765 kg)
Chassis Front wheel assist with duals 4x2 2WD
Drive Type 4WD 2WD
Front Tire Type - -
Rear Tire Type - -
Hitch Type - Three-Point Hitch
Hitch Category III/IIIN II
Hitch Position - Rear
Hydraulic System Type Closed-center pressure flow compensated Open center
Operator Station Type - ROPS
Starter Type Electric Electric