Comparing John Deere 5425 Utility vs Yanmar YM270

This page provides a detailed comparison of the specifications for the John Deere 5425 Utility and the Yanmar YM270.

John Deere 5425 Utility Yanmar YM270
Engine Manufacturer John Deere Yanmar
Engine Model 4045 2W85
Engine Cooling Type - Liquid
Engine Fuel Type - Diesel
Engine Induction Type Turbocharged -
Engine Cylinders 4 2
Engine Displacement Value 275 ci (4.5 L) 55 ci (0.9 L)
Engine Rated Rpm 2400 -
Engine Power Output Value 80 hp (60.0 kW) 20 hp (14.9 kW)
Transmission Type SyncShuttle Gear
Transmission Forward Gears 9 6
Transmission Reverse Gears 3 2
Operating Weight Value 5701 lb (2586 kg) -
Chassis - 4x2 2WD
Drive Type - 2WD
Front Tire Type - -
Rear Tire Type - -
Hitch Capacity Value 3374 lb (1530 kg) -
Starter Type - Electric