Comparing Fendt 938 Vario MT vs Schluter SF503B

This page provides a detailed comparison of the specifications for the Fendt 938 Vario MT and the Schluter SF503B.

Fendt 938 Vario MT Schluter SF503B
Engine Manufacturer AGCO Power -
Engine Cooling Type liquid-cooled -
Engine Fuel Type diesel -
Engine Induction Type turbocharged -
Engine Cylinders 7 -
Engine Displacement Value 598 ci (9.8 L) -
Engine Rated Rpm 1450 -
Engine Power Output Value 374 hp (278.9 kW) -
Transmission Type continuously-variable transmission -
Transmission Forward Gears infinite -
Transmission Reverse Gears infinite -
Length Value 241.1 -
Width Value 98.5 -
Operating Weight Value 33443 lb (15170 kg) -
Hitch Category IVN/III III
Hitch Position Rear -
Hitch Capacity Value 41000 lb (18597 kg) -
Hydraulic System Type closed center -
Operator Station Type Cab -
Starter Type Electric Starter -