Comparing Fendt 720 vs Fendt 724

This page provides a detailed comparison of the specifications for the Fendt 720 and the Fendt 724.

Fendt 720 Fendt 724
Engine Model 720 724
Engine Induction Type Turbocharged, intercooler Turbocharged, Intercooled
Engine Cylinders 6 6
Engine Displacement Value 44 ci (0.7 L) 44 ci (0.7 L)
Engine Rated Rpm 1800 1800
Engine Power Output Value 200 hp (149.1 kW) 240 hp (179.0 kW)
Transmission Type ML 180 -
Length Value 205.8 206.3
Width Value 100.8 100.8
Operating Weight Value 15399 lb (6985 kg) 15399 lb (6985 kg)
Hitch Category - Category 3
Starter Type Electric Electric