Comparing Belarus 8345 vs McCormick Intl VF70

This page provides a detailed comparison of the specifications for the Belarus 8345 and the McCormick Intl VF70.

Belarus 8345 McCormick Intl VF70
Engine Model MTZ Diesel Model D-243 -
Engine Cooling Type Liquid-cooled -
Engine Fuel Type Diesel Diesel
Engine Induction Type Direct Injection -
Engine Cylinders 4 4
Engine Displacement Value 290 ci (4.8 L) 244 ci (4.0 L)
Engine Rated Rpm 2200 2200
Engine Power Output Value 75 hp (56.2 kW) 67 hp (50.0 kW)
Transmission Type Selective gear, fixed ratio Manual
Transmission Forward Gears 14 24
Transmission Reverse Gears 4 12
Operating Weight Value 8640 lb (3919 kg) -
Chassis 4x4 MFWD 4WD -
Drive Type 4WD -
Hitch Category II II
Hitch Position Rear -
Operator Station Type Open -
Starter Type Electric -